Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The pen is mightier than a sword or is it the Keyboard these days?

I noticed something about myself today...It has been ages since i wrote...i mean wrote and not typed...
Even if it is a few lines, I type it out or copy- paste and the take a print out...
Today I needed to write a few addresses and my printer was not working...
I took out the pen...and started writing.Gosh!
I was most uncomfortable...I somehow managed to form words...My once upon a time okay handwriting looked like as if an insect had been dipped in ink and made to crawl the page!
I was most alarmed!
I have decided to write something everyday using my pen and not the keyboard.
Lets hope I can stick to that!It is amazing how lazy my muscles have become...they refuse to cooperate...and I am to blame:(Between the computer and the mobile, I have not needed to pen down anything in ages!

Are any of you noticing this too?


  1. you are quite right about the write stuff. Imagine having ten stubs instead of flexible fingers -- just ok to type!!! Got to pen a few lines evday.

  2. I notice my handwriting gets worse while my typing gets a lot better. Anyone else?
