Friday, May 8, 2009

Mother's day - Love you ma

My mother is possibly the most calm and collected person I have ever come across.Raising four of us must have been tough...but never ever have I seen her get angry or shout at us,infact I think she managed to spoil all of us, just a bit, not much:).

And I am happy she did...That indulgence did us good.

I don't know how, but inspite of her indulgences, the four of us learnt to care and share very easily. Any goodies as in chocolates and icecreams were divided equally and if there was a guest he/she would get a share from that too!

And I still don't remember feeling deprived...I just remember feeling happy.

We used to have long summer breaks..Aah! Those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summers were really- really nice. We used to cycle to the swimming pool, meet up with friends and then go to the library...pick up lots of story books...Wow! I wish I could get back those days! I used to have so much time to read books...Currently I am trying to read 2 books and doing justice to none:(

When we got back home, my mom would have prepared Aam panna (a chilled raw mango drink)for all of us. Yummy! All of us would have at least two glassfulls each. Just the thought makes my mouth water. Have to remind ma to make some for me soon.

Love you ma. Thanks for everything!
You are the best. I am just so incredibly lucky to have you as my mom.

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