Saturday, November 3, 2012

North Kolkata Durga puja 2012

This post is in continuation to my earlier post on Durga puja prikrama 2012 in North Kolkata. Some of these pandals and Durga idols really mesmerized me.Especailly the Kashi Bose lane one, it was almost like I was in a dream sequence. Amazing! Why does Durga puja end so soon? I could not even get around to seeing half of the Durga puja pandals! So much of creativity, and just for five days!

Kashi Bose lane Puja Pandal
Durga idol at
Kashi Bose lane, Kolkata

A butterfly themed
Durga puja Pandal
Durga idol

Paintings on the wall of the pandal

Hathibagan Durga puja
Pandal 2012
lighting at the pandal

Durga idol at
College square Durga
Puja 2012

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