Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Picturesque Kibber village in Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh

Kibber village, Spiti
Himachal Pradesh
Kibber village is around 15 kms from Kaza. It is a picturesque little village located at an altitude of 4300 metres in Spiti valley Himachal Pradesh, India.

What makes this little village so very pretty is the sylvan surroundings. It is quite an amazing and magnificent sight actually, a midst all the snow, you suddenly come actually these green-green fields and blue sky. Agriculture is the major livelihood for the villagers in Kibber.

Kibber also has a monastery and a wild life sanctuary.

Agricultural land in
Kibber, Spiti Valley

Gete near Kibber
Near Kibber village

Kibber village homes
Spiti, Himachal Pradesh


  1. Lovely sights. I haven;t been there yet.

  2. So clean, so peaceful, almost ethereal.

    Nice pictures too.

  3. @Indrani
    Yes, it is so very beautiful. Himachal has a lot of beautiful places.Thanks.

    @Anil, It is indeed blissful. Thank you so much.
