Saturday, November 16, 2013

Terracotta Durga puja pandal 2013

Durga Idol
In retrospect, I am posting pictures of another Durga puja pandal from Kolkata. I will post some more pandals that were a bit different and unique this year. 

This pandal in South Kolkata was based on a terracotta temple. It looked so genuine, it was unbelievable that this so authentic looking terracotta temple complex was actually a pandal and would be there for just 5 days! The artists had taken pains to make this temple look old and authentic. And the result was beautiful! This Bengali festival certainly brings out the most creative stuff.

The pandal complex

Lateral View 
The pandal complex  with
a sculpture

Side walls of the temple
Work on the walls
of the terracotta complex


  1. Hats off to the artists ... This pandal looks so real!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes, Sarasij. I was amazed at how original it looked!

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  5. @Visala, Thanks so much, I appreciate that.
