Saturday, February 15, 2014

Jamnagar: A paradise for bird watchers

Lesser flamingos
Jamnagar in Gujarat, India is a hub of migratory birds. Located on the coast of Gulf of Kutch, Jamnagar attracts a huge population of birds and along with them birding enthusiasts!

Winter is a good time to visit Jamnagar if you wish to sight migratory birds.  Jamnagar also has a marine national park, and various other tourist attractions.
Some beautiful bird pictures from Jamnagar by Soma Jha.

Broad-billed sandpiper
Black necked stork

Dalmatian pelican
Dalmatian pelicans

Eurasian spoonbills
Great thick knee


  1. These are all great shots. Didn't know you could spot birds in Jamnagar. We know so little of our country.

  2. those are lovely captures. indeed a nice place to capture flying natural beauties

  3. Hey,
    Opened this post of yours with child like excitement. Visited Jamnagar last August, and you bet we were thrilled to see the birds there.
    I have few pictures on my picture album perhaps.

  4. Good variety there.
    I haven't been to this part yet.

  5. Very informative and eye catchy post :)
    In Bhopal, there is a place with the same name. It has a fort and I tell you, it's damn scary!

    Keep blogging O:)

  6. @Empty Rucksack, Thanks, yes, it is indeed a great place for birding.

    @ amarnaik, thanks so much!

    @ Sushma, Great! And thanks so much, Jamnager is indeed a delight!

    @ Indrani, Yes, Jamnagar is certainly worth a visit.

    @Varun, :) Got to visit the fort then:) Thanks!

  7. Beautiful pictures. How serene to watch these little ones! Lucky to have been there. You have made a good collection of rare places in your blog. Good work!

  8. @pagesfromserendipity, thanks so much! And thank you for dropping by.
