Saturday, March 29, 2014

Birds in Ravangla, Sikkim, India

Fire tailed sunbird
Nature fascinates me, the more time I spend in natural surroundings, the more I want it.

The beauty, colours, sounds, the sylvan surroundings, and the serenity that nature offers is so blissful, refreshing, and fulfilling. Nothing can quite replace this feeling.

Here is the next lot of bird pictures from Ravangla.
Photo credits: Soma Jha

Barred Cuckoo Dove
Black Bulbul

Black lored Tit
Black throated Thrush

Chestnut bellied Nuthatch
Great Barbet

Hodgson's Redstart
Orange bellied Leafbird

Rufous breasted Bush Robin
Spangled Drongo

Oriental Magpie Robin
White tailed Nuthatch