Sunday, September 7, 2014

Every little bit counts; Agamani shows how

The world and therefore the people today are so focused on their own individual needs, and instant gratification, that it is indeed a refreshing change to come across people who are different!

I thought or believed that the majority of people today and especially, the youth of today are only interested in focusing on their own needs. In a consumerist society that we live in today, it is indeed difficult to focus on anything other than accumulating more and more. But thankfully, I am wrong, contrary to what I have been thinking, there are a bunch of people, I guess in every part of the world, who are different, and perhaps that is why there is still so much good happening in the world today.

A couple of days back I found out about  a NGO that was founded around 3 years back. The name of the NGO is Vijaya Agamani Foundation (Agamani) and it is based in Kolkata. It is formed by a group of bright young people who come from professional backgrounds such as Engineering, Medical, teaching,

What do they do?

They formed Agamani to support and help underprivileged people in our society, the focus being mostly on children. All the members have full time jobs, but they make time from their busy schedules to devote to this cause. They have the passion and the drive to contribute in whichever way possible to make the lives of underprivileged people better.

Some of the work that they are do involves distributing Clothes; with Kolkata gearing up for Durga pujas, almost every child will get to wear new outfits during pujas. Is it not unfair to deprive underprivileged children of the joy of wearing new clothes at least during pujas? Agamani founders believe that these children deserve to have at least one new outfit during pujas. No hand me downs please, for once they should wear something new! (This is such a good thought; sensitive and heart warming!)

Some of the other work that they are involved in, includes distributing medicines in the rural areas, helping out under privileged children to continue with further studies by providing then books and organizing various activities to create awareness, and distributing dry foods to the needy.

I like the passion and the dedication of the young members of this organisation. It is not every day that one comes across a bunch of bright youngsters who devote so much time in helping others instead of focusing on their own needs only.

I wish them all the success in life and I am sure this foundation will continue to grow stronger and bring about significant changes over time.

If you are interested in their work or want to know more, their website address is:-"
and their facebook page is:-
You can also reach them @ +91 8450833083.

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