Sunday, May 24, 2015

Corbett National Park: Animals & Nature

Some more pictures of Animals and nature from Corbett National Park.Feel like going back there now. Such a beautiful forest...I just can't get over it!
Crocodile at Corbett, ready to gulp anything that comes its way!
A very shy water monitor lizard Corbett..
Male Elephant

Elephants headed for a bath
Basking in the sun

Monkeying around in Corbett
Lemon-pansy butterfly

Beautiful Corbett

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Tiger Pictures:Corbett National Park, India

Here are a few clicks of the two tigers I sighted at Corbett National Park. And both of them from pretty close. Quite an experience it was!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Bird sightings in Corbett National Park, Uttarakhand, India

Great Hornbill
I am sharing some bird pictures from my trip to Corbett National Park,Uttarakhand, in April 2015. The Dhikala zone of Corbett is really great for birding. Although we were not actively birding we did see quite a few birds.
Tawny fish Owl
Chestnut-tailed Starling

Common Stonechats
Cormorants and Egrets

Crested Lark
Green Bee-Eater

Himalayan Bulbul
Indian Roller

Purple Sunbird (female and male)

Red-collared dove
River Lapwing

Spotted Dove

White-Throated Fantail

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Tiger at the Corbett National Park India

Tiger at the Corbett National Park, India
I went for a short trip (3 days) around mid April to Corbett National Park in Ramnagar, Uttarakhand, India. I love the jungles and Corbett was always in my wish list. The highlight of my trip was sighting tigers of course…..

Corbett is recommended for anyone who likes nature. Not only will you sight tigers, but the variety of birds, and the beauty of the jungle will mesmerise you. Corbett is perhaps the only National Park in India that allows you to stay inside the jungle in the forest rest houses.

Corbett has an on line booking system through which you can book your stay:

The website is not very user-friendly and it is not easy to get bookings, but that is the only way you can get bookings for the forest rest houses. Try to book in the Bijrani and Dhikala zones. Dhilkala is beautiful and should not be missed. I would recommend staying in Corbett for at least 5 days so that you can stay in both the zones, Bijrani and Dhikala.

I will post pictures from my trip to Corbett in the next few posts. To begin with here is a short tiger video to whet your appetite.