Saturday, July 11, 2015

Crocodile video taken at Billabong sanctuary in Townsville Australia

Billabong Sanctuary Townsville Australia
Billabong sanctuary in Townsville Australia is a bit different from other sanctuaries. Not only do you get to see Koalas, Wombats, Dingoes, Crocodiles, Kangaroos, and various other wild animals and birds, but the best part is you get to feed them, hold them, watch interactive sessions with rangers, and much  more.

Here is a video taken by my husband, Anirban, of a ranger feeding a male crocodile. It is amazing how high the crocodile lunges in an attempt to get the food! Never seen anything like this before!


  1. @ Rajesh, Yes, it is interesting.
    I have not seen anything like this before.

