Saturday, October 17, 2015

Mỹ Sơn Sanctuary; Ancient Hindu temples in Central Vietnam

 Temples in My Son ,Vietnam
In this post I continue with Vietnam, here is another UNESCO World Heritage site from Vietnam. My Son (pronounced MeSoan) Sanctuary, is located near the village of Duy Phú in Quảng Nam Province in Central Vietnam,

The temple complex is surrounded by two mountain ranges. These ancient Hindu temples were constructed between the 4th and the 14th century AD by the kings of Champa in Vietnam. The temple complex used to house more than 70 temples where deities of Krishna, Vishnu, and Shiva were worshipped (majority of the temples were Shiva temples)

Unfortunately except for a few, most of these temples are in ruins now partly because of the carpet bombing during the Vietnam War.

It is indeed quite strange to find these ancient Hindu temples in Vietnam. I tried to look up the history and the origin of these temples and found that this region's unique culture was influenced by Hinduism; it is believed that Indian traders introduced Hinduism to this part of the world.

I am sharing a few pictures of these ancient temples clicked by Soma during her trip to Vietnam.

Ancient Hindu temples, My Son,Vietnam
My Son  Sanctuary,Vietnam

My Son Vietnam

Temples in the My Son complex
Ancient Hindu temples, Vietnam

 My Son sanctuary central Vietnam

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