Saturday, March 5, 2016

Pangot in Nainital is a wonderful place to visit

 Kafal House, Pangot
In continuation to my earlier post on Pangot, even if bird watching is not one of your favourite passions, Pangot is still a wonderful place to visit.

The scenic beauty is awesome since the drive from Nainital to Pangot is through the forested area of Cheena Peak Range. Five years back Pangot used to be a location with barely 4-5 places to stay but now a number of hotels have come up, some of them real eye-sores as they are loud in their get up and pay no attention to merging with the environment.

Pangot starts getting quieter when you go towards Vinayak or Timplapani village road. Kafal House is a lovely place to spend a few days in. Even non-birders will return with a deep interest in birds.

These pictures are courtesy Soma Jha.

Rufous-bellied woodpecker

Rusty-cheeked scimitar babbler
Spot-winged Grosbeak

Streaked, rufous Sibia

Vinayak: Home to the rare cheer pheasantsts
Pangot, Nainital

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