Sunday, December 31, 2017

Endemic birds of India; Happy new year 2018!

White-bellied blue flycatcher
A very happy new year 2018!

May this new year bring you love, joy, good health,  more wisdom, peace, magic, the courage to speak your truth, to hold your head high, and see your dreams fulfilled.

Just like our feathered friends, wouldn't it be nice to free ourselves of worry and fear and soar higher and higher....

I am sharing pictures of these beautiful birds that are endemic to India.

Out of 1266 species of birds in India, 61 are endemic to India (from wikipedia).These pictures are courtesy Soma Jha.

Grey Junglefowl-female
Grey Junglefowl-male

Kerala Laughing Thrush
Malabar Whistling Thrush

Malabar Grey Hornbill
Malabar Parakeet

Nilgiri Flycatcher
Nilgiri Wood Pigeon

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