Sunday, August 5, 2018

Petra, the spectacular and extraordinary ancient city, is a must visit

Two km walk to Petra City
Petra - 'a rose-red city half as old as time'. (from John William Burgon's sonnet)

Petra (from Greek word Petros - Stone), known to its inhabitants as Raqmu, is listed as one of the New Seven Wonders of the world (decided through 100 million votes in 2007).

Whether on any list or not, it stands out as a stupendous creation of a desert tribe called the Nabateans who lived there over two thousand years ago. It is located in the rocky deserts of southern Jordan. The Nabateans were trading nomads and established Petra as a trade hub.

A two km walk through the Siq, takes you to the city. The Siq is a natural sandstone gorge. You see a number of rock-cut structures as you move ahead like the Dijnn blocks that are the oldest structures in Petra. The Obelix Tomb and the Triclinium is also an interesting building. This memorable walk suddenly brings you to the Treasury or the Al-Khazana, seen first through a gap in the Siq. This is actually a masoleum but there was a belief that bandits kept their loot hidden in the urn at the top of this monument and hence the name treasury or khazana.

This grand place has so many more wonders to see - water harvesting system, the Royal Tombs, the Theatre, The Great Temple, the Monastery.... not a place to be missed.

These beautiful pictures are courtesy Soma.

Rocks of Petra from a distance

The Siq
Dijnn blocks

Obelisk-tomb and the Triclinium

Glimpse of the Treasury through the Siq
Al Khazana-the Treasury

Lower portion of the Treasury
Stone urn in the treasury building

Columns of Great Temple
Figure on rock

Open theatre
Paved-road, Petra

Royal tombs
Water trench for supply of water to city

Petra city, Jordon