Sunday, August 14, 2022

Ta Prohm, ancient temple in Siem Reap Cambodia

                                                      Ta Prohm, Cambodia

The last temple we visited on day 3 after Baphuon Temple and the Terrace of Elephants Angkor, Cambodia, was Ta Prohm. 

Ta Prohm is one of the most visited and well-known temples in Angkorwat. One of the main reasons being is this temple is where a few scenes from the Angelina Jolie starrer popular film, Tomb Raider was filmed. And the other one of course is the eerie and unique atmosphere. 

Built around late 12th and early 13th century, and back then known as Rajavihara (Monastery of the King), this temple was founded by King Jayavarman VII and was a Buddhist temple.

The one thing that contributes to the atmosphere at Ta Prohm is that it remains in pretty much the same condition as it was found. The jungles and trees have literally claimed the temple. It has quite an atmosphere, and that is what  makes it is extraordinary experience. This temple is definitely worth a visit. Not to be missed.

These are such beautiful carvings. Every time I see beautiful carvings such as this, I wonder how beautiful the temple would have looked in its original form! 

And such talented craftsmen and such beautiful architecture!


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