Saturday, September 3, 2011

Durga Puja, 2011; the time for festivities begin!

With Durga puja just about a month away it is festive time in Kolkata.

It is time of the year when everyone gets into a festive mode. The shops are offering the best discounts of the season. Every market wears a busy but festive, and happy look. The markets in Kolkata remain open 24X7 to meet the shopping demands during this season! There is a lot of gifting that happens during this time. Almost everyone acquires a new outfit.The atmosphere is unique. Everyone is charged up and happy. I guess it is mostly because there is so much of positive energy all around during durgapujas.

Even though the already crowded streets of Kolkata will get  more and more crowded during durga pujas; going from one place to another will become a real big deal (because you will get stuck in traffic jams! ) , In spite of all of these inconveniences, I continue to love durga pujas at Kolkata ; there is something about it!

As always, I look forward to pandal hopping. The durga idols and the puja pandals are really amazingly creative and beautiful. These beautiful innovative pandals never ever cease to amaze me.

Here is a recap of the 2010 durga idols and durga puja pandals.


  1. being in Blore i have heard so much about Durga Pujas that it makes me want to see it in real but calcutta itna doooor hai :(
    from your post we can feel your excitement & the excitement of all Bengalis. wish you a very happy festival time - eating, dressing & pandal hopping :)

  2. Hi Sujatha,

    Honestly it is something. I am amazed at the amount of creativity that Kolkata churns out at this time of the year.Hope someday you will be able to make a trip to Kolkata during Durga pujas. It will be over crowded and it may not be the best time to visit the city, but one should experience it once.

  3. Durga puja means gifting your near and dear ones, pandal hopping, and lots of eating. You can also celebrate this festive season by sending free online Durga puja greeting cards through ecard4all.ccom. Sending the greeting card online is quite simple - just the click of a mouse
