Saturday, February 9, 2019

Masai Mara: Day two at Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

Lioness with cubs at Masai Mara
Day two and our last day at Masai Mara was even more exciting!

After a wonderful Day one at Masai Mara, we were all set to have an even better day two...we set off after a hearty breakfast.Our plan was to spend as much time as we could at the park.

And day two did not disappoint, it was another day in Paradise Masai Mara! Started out with a Leopard sighting and ended with a pride of Lions!!! In between….wild Buffalo, Wildebeests, Zebras, Giraffes, Ostriches, Deer, birds, a visit to Masai villageHippopotamus, and Banded Mongoose kept us at our highest high!

The lodge we stayed in “Keekorok Lodge,Sun Africa Hotels” was beautiful. We did not get much time at the lodge but whatever little time we did manage to spend in the lodge, it was blissful…birds, scenic beauty, and the water body next to the lodge was is home to quite a few Hippos who seem to be having an awesome time!

We watched from a safe distance of course!

Coming up in my next post ...Masai village .... 

Sunrise at Keekorok Lodge
Keekorok Lodge Masai Mara

Wild Buffalo


Black-maned Lion, Masai Mara

Lioness at Masai Mara
Lioness at Masai Mara

Banded Mongoose at the lodge

Lilac-breasted Roller
Marabou Stork

Speke's Weaver-female-Masai Mara
Vitelli's Masked Weaver

White-bellied Serin