Sunday, February 17, 2019

Traditional dances by Masai villagers at Masai Mara, Kenya

Coming of age, traditional jumping dance at Masai village

Masai Village
During our Masai Mara trip, we visited a Masai village. which was not far from the park.The entry fee was around $30/head.The proceeds from the fee goes towards the village school.The fee allowed us to to take pictures and videos as well.

We spent around 40 mins in the village...we were welcomed by Masai men and women with their traditional dances which we enjoyed a lot...and joined in as well. I have included the videos at the end of this post.The jumping dance is a part of the the coming of age ceremony.

We also got a tour inside one of the huts in the village.The visit ended with us buying some handcrafted items that the village women had put up for sale. We probably spent around 40 min at the village. We had to rush back because we wanted to get back to the park and complete our safari while there was time...our last day at Masai and we wanted to make the most of it.

What I really missed is spending more time learning about the Masai way of life from them.I wish they had given us more time to learn about Masai and their way of life....a bit of Masai history and the modern day Masai... would have been interesting. I felt the focus was more on selling items.And although I understand the importance of that too, tourists should be given an overview of what the tour involves and given the opportunity to decide.

If you can find time, the village may be worth a visit depending upon what you wish to take back from the visit. 

Masai women
Hand crafted items for sale at the village

You may want be interested in my following posts on Masai Mara National Reserve.