Sunday, April 5, 2020

A bird watcher's paradise, Makkumath, Uttarakhand

The world has changed so much since my last post! With Corona having taken over almost every person's peace of mind, the only place I find peace is in taking refuge in dreaming and imagining all the travels I intend to do:)

View around Makkumath

Black Francolin Makkumath
While chatting with my cousin, Soma, who is an avid bird watcher, I felt a strong desire to visit Uttarakhand. Soma returned from her birding trip early February this year, and was sharing her experience of birding in Uttarakhand. I have been to several bird watching trips with her, but this one seems unique, not only because of the number of birds she sighted, but also because of the information and guidance she received from Mr. Yashpal Negi, an experienced and well-known local bird guide.A three day session with him is likely to get you around 100 bird species. Sharing some pictures taken by Soma.

Asian barred owlet
Blue fronted Redstart

Mr Negi's Sparrow house for birders

Birding in Western Himalayas is very exciting as sighting of the birds is not as tough as it would be in the Eastern Himalayas. Soma travelled around 200 km east of Haridwar to a place by the name of  Makkumath which is known for being the winter abode of the deity of Tunganath Temple of Shiva (at an altitude of 12,000 feet). Makkumath is located at 6000 feet. This is the place where Mr. Yashpal Negi has built a home stay, by the name of Sparrow House for birders. 

Common Buzzard
Grey headed woodpecker

This was Soma's third trip to Mr Negi's camp but the first one to his new home stay. Mr Negi's earlier bird camp was located in Kakragad by the side of the Mandakini river. Unfortunately it got compleletly washed away in the 2013 floods.He built his new home stay in Makkumath 21 km uphill from Kakragad.

Mr Negi's camp in 2012 by river Mandakini
Birders waiting for bus to Haridwar-2012 at Negi's camp

What remains of the camp after the devastating flood of 2013
Will continue with more bird pictures from around Makkumath in my next few posts. I will complete my Sri Lankan travel posts soon after that. Stay safe and healthy:)

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