Friday, December 9, 2011

Black Friday for Kolkata

Kolkata woke up to a news that was so horrifying, so depressing that we wished something would take away the ugly truth from us.

What happens when the place that you take refuge in, turns out to be the cause of your death? So many people lost their lives today at AMRI hospital, Dhakuri. Not one, not two...the count is eightly so far...
Can we offer any solace to the relatives and near and dear ones of the patients and the staff who lost their lives today?

I guess we will talk about it for a day or two, maybe a week and then get on with our lives as usual. I hope not.

I hope this wake up call, for the officials of Kolkata city, works as a catalyst to ensure that hospitals remain a safe place for people to be. Officials should ensure that Hospitals comply to safety norms; after all hospitals are suppossed to be the curing zone and not the harbinger of death.

For more on this incident:

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