When I picked up today’s newspaper, it did not say anything unusual, it was pretty much in line with what I read almost every day…killings, rapes, starvation, poverty, global warming,….
From TOI Kolkata, Dec 10, 2017 |
Some of the news that we come across may cause us a momentary disturbance, unhappiness, and may even cause some of us to squirm… but we forget about the news as soon as put down the paper, and move on with our lives...
By now we seem to have grown a thick skin, and nothing seems to matter as long as we think it does not impact us.
Does it truly not impact us? Can we progress without considering the needs of everyone around us?
And where are we moving? Are we moving forward, or backward? Should we call ourselves a civilised society or a primitive one?
Should we call ourselves advanced just because we have made some technological advancements? What about advancement of humanity?