This blog is just about everything under the sun. It is really my diary....I jot out events that leave a lasting impression on me. It could be anything; relationships, business, culture...writing provides me a release from everyday stress and I take refuge in it very often. It gives me a lot of pleasure.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Happy New Year 2009
Do you like doing things on your own or do you always prefer company?
While I prefer to do most things on my own. Especially shopping, unless i am with a person who is very like-minded. That's because If I have ten things to buy and I have someone with me who just needs to buy a couple of would really be insensitive of me drag that person along for everything. Unless of course that person really enjoys it...for most people it becomes boring. And I would not be able to shop at ease either...'cause I would be thinking if the other perosn is comfortable giving so much time to me.
It is indeed a pleasure to get company whenever you need depending upon the situation...eating out...watching a film together...but if one can't function without can be tough.
What do you think?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Afternoon blues
Since I was a child...the thought of afternoon would depress me...i guess it dates back to the days when I would come back from school and have my lunch and then do my homework or get some sleep. (Not necessarily in that order) But both the tasks were not my favourites of course.
Play was certainly not allowed:(
I remember looking out of the window and waiting for evening to set in...when everything would feel good...there would be activity (I guess for me activity translated to play) ...and the crows would stop their "caws""caws" at least for a while (the sound would depress me always!)
After so many years, afternoons still has the same effect on me.
At work I barely realize the onset of afternoons so it does not matter.
But when I am at home and if I am alone with no books to read or any good films to watch...I again get into afternoon depression:(
I like mornings, evenings and nights a lot but afternoons...i don't know why...I am still trying to embrace...lets hope it changes that I can enjoy a complete day :)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Bandhavgarh National Park

We stayed at the White tiger forest lodge of Madhya Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation forest.Great accomodation and good food. It was a very short trip. Just about 2 days ...and guess what?
I still remember the moment...we were sitting on an elephant and we had to go off the main road and inside the jungle....

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Kewpies Restaurant Kolkata
we were celebrating a special event and my eldest brother in law decided to take us out for dinner. It was pretty late almost 9 pm...we decided to take a chance and drop in to Kewpies. We were extremely lucky, we found a table for 6 without booking in advance!
Kewpies offers traditional Bengali delicacies. We ordered non-veg thalis and since two of us were vegetarians we ordered some yummy vegeration preparations as well.
The non-veg thali included-Luchi, rice, kasa mutton, dab chingri, aloo dum, pappad, chatni, fish fry. For desert we opted for -nalen gurer rossogolla, mishti doi and misthi paan.
Vegetarian dishes were great too - yummy mochhar dalna and delicious cholar dal.
The food was simply delicious... It was served on earthern ware...very ethnic...the ambience was great...lovely paintings...beautiful furnishings..very warm and homely.
We had a great time. And most of all the price is very reasonable for the quality of food offered.
Located at 2 Elgin road (and very close to Forum) is easy to reach. It is open till 11 pm. It would be advisable to book your table in advance.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Life That I Have
The Life That I Have
The life that I have
Is all that I have
And the life that I have
Is yours
The love that I have
Of the life that I have
Is yours and yours and yours.
A sleep I shall have
A rest I shall have
Yet death will be but a pause
For the peace of my years
In the long green grass
Will be yours and yours and yours.
--Leo Marks
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Carnival of Healing #163 : Just About Everything
Whenever I feel negative or depressed, I get a lot of inspiration from the affirmations, articles, and valuable advice posted at the Holistic Healing of by Phylameana lila Desy. I feel there are a lot of people like me who could benefit from the information and advice present there.
I begin the Carnival with a poem that has inspired me always.This poem is by Rabindranath Tagore who was a Bengali poet.He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913.This poem is from Gitanjali (Offering of Songs, published in English in (1910)
Where The Mind is Without Fear
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls; Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action--
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.
--Rabindranath Tagore
To me this prayer is as relevant today as it was when it was published. The poem asks us to not limit ourselves to what we think is 'possible' but to go beyond and achieve even more.
With this thought, here is a collection of blogs and articles. I hope you have as much pleasure going through these as I did.These articles have suggestions and insights in making your dreams come true, achieving the impossible, and dreaming big.
"Workplace motivation: Kindle positive thoughts" is an indepth article about creating conditions for people to motivate themselves.
Another very inspiring article about being positive.
This article on Active Listening is about becoming an active listener. How well you listen has a major impact on your relationships. Read on at :
Donald presents Self Motivation: How to Motivate Yourself posted at Life Optimizer.
Chris Edgar presents Finishing With The "Finish Line Mentality" posted at Purpose Power Coaching.
Take a moment to go through these inspirational messages that will surely put you in a peaceful frame of mind
Dream big. This article talks about key values practiced by big dreamers.
Do You Want to Win at the Game of Life? asks Daylle Deanna Schwartz.
How You Can Use Your Emotions for Personal Transformation is another inspirational article by Alexander De Foe
care2 is an online community for healthy and green living, human rights and animal welfare.A little goes a long way.
Achievement begins with a dream. Another very motivational piece.
Along with a positive attitude, it is important that we eat right in order to achieve what we want. A fit and healthy body with a good immunity system helps in warding off diseases.
Jeff Sullivan discusses how to overcome the ill effects of Alcohol at Alcohol Cause or Cure Insomnia?
Here is a very nice piece on Achieving the impossible - Noelkingsley
That's all for this Carnival!
Last week’s carnival was hosted by Steve at How I Healed.
Next week Dr. Kelli at The Angel Whisperer's Blog will be hosting the carnival.
Visit the healing carnival archive page for past carnival hosts.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Carnival of Healing
On the 8th of this month, I will be hosting the Carnival of Healing.
Carnival of Healing is a weekly round-up of personal blog posts on the topics of holistic health, wellness, spirituality, and self empowerment.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Happy Diwali!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Durga Puja in Kolkata
Durga Puja is just around the corner. And Kolkata is buzzing with activity.
People are completing their shopping and they have just two more days to go before sasthi (05.10.2008).
The face of the goddess remains covered until the unveiling ritual is performed on Sasthi - the sixth day of the moon. That's the day when the puja festivities begin in full swing!
The puja will continue till Dashami...that is thursday (09.10.2008)
Everything is so lively and colourful!
It is also the time when families visit each other and most of their time is spent in the pandals...every day begins with Anjali (offering prayer flowers to Ma Durga) followed by bhog.
Bhog is a sacred food offering to Ma Durga. It is known as Khichri, made out of rice and pulses, a mixed vegetable preparation that is equally delicious, pappads and a sweet chutney made out of tomatoes, dates, and dry fruits. People stand is queues for a long time for bhogs and it is truly worth the wait! This bhog is served during lunch.
Delicious bengali food and bengali sweets are the highlights of this season.
Durga puja is the time when creativity reaches it highest high in Kolkata.
Artisans create beautiful and creative pandals...Pandals are structures inside which Ma Durga's idol resides.
I will try and capture some of these pandals and post it on my blog.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The pen is mightier than a sword or is it the Keyboard these days?
I noticed something about myself today...It has been ages since i wrote...i mean wrote and not typed...
Even if it is a few lines, I type it out or copy- paste and the take a print out...
Today I needed to write a few addresses and my printer was not working...
I took out the pen...and started writing.Gosh!
I was most uncomfortable...I somehow managed to form words...My once upon a time okay handwriting looked like as if an insect had been dipped in ink and made to crawl the page!
I was most alarmed!
I have decided to write something everyday using my pen and not the keyboard.
Lets hope I can stick to that!It is amazing how lazy my muscles have become...they refuse to cooperate...and I am to blame:(Between the computer and the mobile, I have not needed to pen down anything in ages!
Are any of you noticing this too?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
2007 sunset
Vacation in the himalayas
Me and my husband went to west Sikkim and were really mesmerized by the beauty of Sikkim. Serene, peaceful, green...I got a generous doze of fresh unadulterated oxygen:)
Time stops and one can't have enough of Sikkim.
We felt rejuvenated after the trip.
Sharing some snaps from the trip.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thank God it is a Friday
The days ahead will be lazy, hazy a little crazy but a weekend
I have loads of shopping to do....we have a festive month ahead in Kolkata
Though it gets difficult to navigate with people everywhere...but there is so much of energy
and I don't mind being part of it sometimes at least.
Where I live is a real busy place and well one just can't stay depressed for long.
You just have to come out of your home and there is so much of street samosas, jalebis, rolls...sweets and loads of stuff!
Its fun. Everything feels festive.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Wonderful places to see...things to do...
Places to see....things to do.When will I do all those?
I want to visit Europe...especially Uk countryside, Paris, Venice,Nice... the list goes on.
Want to visit some places in USA as well. New York definitely...
I want to own a BMW. A red one!
Gotta Run...too many things to do...
Monday, August 18, 2008
A trip to Vedic Village
Me, my husband and my cousin took off for Vedic village,35 kms from Kolkata.
My cousin, Soma is an avid bird watcher and well we went equipped with our binocs and camera etc etc..
Though I am not a birder is rather difficult not to participateand i guess one gets into the mode...I realized i quite enjoy it actually:)
Vedic village is a spa resort with the Indian countryside flavour.
The route to Vedic village was lovely. We crossed nice little villages...lots of green, nice ponds...the monsoon magic was at its fullest!
The whole effect was magical.
The greens were visual treat for us. We are quite starved for greens and water bodies and...
Vedic village itself was a wondeful treat. the resort is very nicely done...with a village theme, thatched roofs,earthy tones.
Was really impressed with the whole set up.
After a look around and a sumptuous breakfast buffet we set off for home. We were feeling very was wonderful to have spent so much time exploring nature.
Truly nothing else can ever compare to its glory!
If you live in Kolkata and are looking out for a weekend getaway or a day trip , this could be it.You will find directions to vedic village here -
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The very many blessings in my life!
There was just another time when i was away from home on my birthday:(
Am i feeling sad?
Yes, maybe , don't know...
No big deal I guess...
I am just cribbing.
I think I have been very lucky to have my family around always. I have had a very protected
upbringing. With lots and lots of love and pampering.
My parents have been really great to me.
This birthday I want to thank them for giving me this life and for loving me so much.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Dear Grandma
Winters are so far away:(
And I am yearning for those. They are knowns as peetha. Gokul peetha, patishapta, pische pooli etc etc.
Actually I am missing my Grand ma:(
Missing those Summer holdays...grandma's love & indulgence and lots of fun with my cousins
My Grand ma used to make delicious peetha. I wishI had learnt from her. Now she is really old and barely manages to move around because of her arthritis. I really miss her:(
I remember in my childhood days...she used to smuggle some extra for me always...I did get a bit spoilt...Whenever my favourite sweets were made, I always got preference!
Wow! I just simply love dreaming of those days... She lives in another town with her Son and his family and well...i think it's time to visit her.
Maybe it is time for me to indulge her!
That would make me very happy.
Special Air Conditioners
Our office Air Conditioners are very special...
Half of us get frozen to death and the other half get fried to death!!!
So you can see two kinds of us....
One lot wears wollens and the other lot would be happy to strip:)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The "Holi" Weekend
Had a great time playing holi, having plateful of absolutely delicious food, especially home made sweets!Yummy.
What a nice weekend it has been.
It is wednesday and I still have a hangover!
Oh! would love to have wonderful things to celebrate about every weekend.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Communication boom
He was pulling his cart and talking on the mobile...quite possible...
And he was telling someone that he has sent me the information over email and he should check it and get back to him.
Picture this... a very busy market place with vegetable vendors pulling their carts and then this conversation...
I was awestruck!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Crazy Network
This morning my mobile started misbehaving.I could receive calls and make calls but
The problem was ...I could hear the person i called ...but no one could hear me:(
I tried calling different people from different rooms, inside the house,outside the house but nothing changed. There was full network but I was unable to talk to anyone.
I decided to do the obvious. Log in my problem with the mobile operator.I called their helpline and patiently went through some of the automated recorded messages and then I was connect to the live operator who said hello and asked me for my details.
I reciprocated and started giving my mobile no etc...but there was silence. There was a pause and the guy repeated his greeting again and I started trying my level best to reach him in my loudest and clearest voice possible...
Very politely while trying to control his anger, he said that since no one is bothering to speak up, he was ending the call. He thought it was a crank call!!!
I felt stupid, frustrated, helpless, disgusted...all at the same time. I did not have access to another phone and I just did not know what to do next:(
Miraculously, the phone started functioning fine after a couple of hours!!!
Today I could not remember the name of the manager who used to manage a Paying Guest house in B'lore , where i stayed for a couple of months.The obvious thing for me these days is to quickly search in google:) I usually find almost "Anything under the Sun" out there. I realized for some things we still have to depend on our good old memory or at least one real person to find this kind of info:(